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  Rate Cleo's Stepmom (Cleo)
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  Image Info:
 DescriptionStandard gray, male, clumsy.
 Species (Breed)Chinchilla
 Age6 mo.
 Favorite ToyApple twigs and bamboo finger traps.
 Funny HabbitGoing to great lengths to get an unrestrained walk about in the living room. He'll do *anything* to get out of his cage.
 Up For Adoption?No

  User Info:
 LocationPennsylvania, USA
 BirthdayOctober 23, 1981
 Zodiac SignLibra
 Full NameBecky

  All Images for Cleo's Stepmom
ImageNameUser TypeCommentsPointsRatingsAverage 
Cleo's StepmomCrash (sleeping)Rodent0144344.2352Stats
Cleo's StepmomCrashRodent0161246.7083Stats
Cleo's StepmomCervantesRodent0204267.8461Stats
Cleo's StepmomCleoDog0141197.4210Stats
Cleo's StepmomCleoDog0141285.0357Stats

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